For example, we can only support international characters like ñ or é if they come after the symbol. Review this column for anything that might cause syntax errors, like missing information, unsupported characters, and extra spaces before or after an address. You must include an email address column in your import file, and only one email for each contact. You can arrange the columns in your file in any order.For example, if you have a column named 'Contact Email Addresses,' you'll know to choose the Email Address field type. Clearly label each column in your import file so you can easily choose the field type during the import process.Other fields are optional, but may be necessary for personalization, segmentation, or other features. The only field Mailchimp requires is Email Address.If you've already started an import, learn how to review and edit your audience fields or troubleshoot your import.
In this article, you'll learn how to format each column in your file to get the best results when you import. Certain types of fields, like email address and birthday, require a specific format to import correctly. When you import contacts to Mailchimp, you’ll match each column in your import file to a field in your Mailchimp audience.